Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Great Fog

Wow, it has been a long time since my last rant. Let's see if we can change that around. I have re-read my previous post and have noticed how jumbled I am in my thoughts, but I don’t think that this will change in this post since I am just beginning my journey and am right now just caught up in a wilderness of mirrors and fog.

I mean after 25 years of listening to the same drivel about doing the right things to be happy and have a good life; I have come to learn that most of that has been bull. It is probably less than 25 years but it has taken me that long to just come to accept the truth that I deep down knew all along. I feel like a guy coming out of a decade’s long comma and seeing a world completely different from the one he knew. Let me tell you friends, this is a harsh and cold world, where the old truths no longer hold sway.

I've been pretty much kept busy reading Roissy, GameForOmegas, and VoxDay; regretfully that is some pretty depressing reading, especially for what would now be classified as a beta guy. I've wanted to say so much, but then the anger and frustration rise to such a high level that putting words together that don't end up long, confusing diatribes becomes pretty difficult.

It is reading these that I see why Nietzsche went crazy when he realized modern society killed G-d. However, instead of the long ago dead G-d it is women that have now been killed for me, or at least what I now realize was my romanticized fantasy of women. I used to be that beta that put women on a pedestal and thought that would let me get with the opposite sex, but now that I have seen the truth I am like a ship without a rudder. On the one hand I cannot go back, but I don't know how to go forward.

Hopefully, the last part will change with time, but I fear this is going to be a long and painful journey. Thus is life I guess.

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